The Legendary Lost Sectors are end-game activities that rotate daily in Destiny 2. Here are the daily rotations for Season 23.

First Published February 2, 2024, 17:04

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What Is The Lost Sector Today

The Destiny 2 Lost Sector location today is Aphelion's Rest on Dreaming City.

Guardians can earn themselves a possible Exotic Leg Armor drop for completing it.

Below is a list of the possible champions and modifiers you can expect to face:

  • Champions: Overload and Unstoppable
  • Shields: Void
  • Threat: Solar
  • Surges: Solar and Strand
  • Modifiers: Epitaph + Attrition 
  • Overcharge Weapon: Shotgun

What Time Do Destiny 2 Lost Sectors Reset

Lost Sectors in Destiny 2 rotate daily, allowing players to farm exotic armor pieces over and over. The Lost Sector will reset every day at 10 AM PT / 5 PM UTC following the game's daily reset. 

You can see how much time there is until the next Destiny 2 daily reset on the countdown clock below:

Destiny 2 Lost Sector Rotation Schedule For Season of the Wish

The Legendary & Master Lost Sectors in Destiny 2 will rotate between Europa, Moon, Nessus, and Neomuna. The minimum power level for a Destiny 2 Lost Sector at Legendary difficulty in Season of the Wish is 1830, whereas the minimum power level for Lost Sector at Master difficulty is 1840.

DateLost SectorExotic Reward
2 February 2025Aphelion's Rest, Dreaming CityExotic Legs Armor
1 February 2024The Quarry, EDZExotic Helmet Armor
30 January 2024Scavenger's Den, EDZExotic Gauntlet Armor
29 January 2024Gilded Precept, NeomunaExotic Leg Armor
25 January 2024Perdition, EuropaExotic Leg Armor
24 January 2024Chamber of Starlight , Dreaming CityExotic Helmet Armor
23 January 2024Bay of Drowned Wishes, Dreaming CityExotic Chest Armor
22 January 2024Aphelion's Rest, Dreaming CityExotic Gauntlets Armor
19 January 2024Scavenger's Den, EDZ Exotic Chest Armor
18 January 2024Gilded Precept, NeomunaExotic Gauntlets Armor
17 January 2024Thrilladrome, NeomunaExotic Leg Armor
16 January 2024Concealed Void, EuropaExotic Helmet Armor
15 January 2024Bunker E15, EuropaExotic Chest Armor
5 January 2024Concealed Void, EuropaExotic Legs Armor
4 January 2024Bunker E15, EuropaExotic Helmet Armor
3 January 2024Perdition, EuropaExotic Chest Armor
2 January 2024Chamber of Starlight, Dreaming CityExotic Gauntlets Armor
1 January 2024Bay of Drowned Wishes, Dreaming CityExotic Legs Armor

Lost Sector Modifier Meanings Explained

Here are some key Destiny 2 terminologies (also known as modifiers) every player should know before starting a Legendary or Master Lost Sector. 

  • Match Game - Enemy shields are highly resistant to all unmatched elemental damage. For example, if an enemy has a Void shield, it will be extremely resistant to Arc, Solar, and Stasis elemental damage.
  • Burn - 50% damage dealt and received from the given Burn type. For example, if Burn is Solar, players will deal and receive 50% Solar damage.
  • Shields - Players will face combatants with the given Elemental shields. For example, if Shield is Void, they will face combatants with Void Shields. 
  • Champion Foes - Players will face two kinds of Champions. For example, if it says Barrier and Unstoppable Champions, players will have to equip Anti-Barrier and Unstoppable armor mods to defeat them. It is impossible to defeat the champion enemies without the right champion mods or the right exotic gear.

Equipping the gear that resonates with the modifiers is the key to completing Lost Sectors at Legendary and Master difficulty in Destiny 2.

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Shreyansh Katsura

Written by Shreyansh Katsura

Shrey's obsession with analyzing, introspecting, and discussing every minute detail of video games brought him to game journalism. He's currently a staff writer at GINX Esports TV, where he covers Destiny 2 and Fortnite on a regular basis. When he's not playing the games he's writing about, he's agonizing over his painstakingly long list of JRPGs he can't find time to finish. You can catch him on Twitter @Shrey2828, flexing his Fortnite's Victory Royales or talking about this group of phantom thieves he calls his best friends.

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