The maximum crew capacity on a Starfield ship is eight.

How many ships can you have in Starfield?

In Starfield, players can own up to ten ships at once.

Can you have a crew in Starfield?

Yes, in addition to recruiting companions in Starfield, you can also hire crew members.

What is the best ship in Starfield?

The best ship in Starfield is the Razorleaf, which excels in maneuverability and combat abilities.

What is a crew station Starfield?

Crew stations in Starfield refer to the number of slots available for crew members to occupy on your ship.

How do I increase my Starfield crew size?

To increase your crew size in Starfield, you need to level up the Ship Command skill, which increases the maximum number of allowed crew members.

How many crew per outpost?

Outposts in Starfield have a limit of three crew members initially, but this can be expanded with the Outpost Management skill.

Can you romance in Starfield?

Yes, you can engage in romance with certain companions in Starfield, but you can only have one romantic relationship at a time.

What is the most expensive ship in Starfield?

The most expensive ships in Starfield include the Renegade 3, Voyager 3, Vanquisher 3, Autobahn 3, Conquerer 3, Space Ox 3, and Kfir 4.

Is Starfield bigger than No Man’s Sky?

While Starfield incorporates procedural generation, its map size is not as expansive as that of No Man’s Sky.

Who can you marry in Starfield?

In Starfield, you can marry companions such as Sarah Morgan, Sam Coe, Barrett, and Andreja.

Can I sell ships in Starfield?

Yes, you can sell ships in Starfield at ship services technicians or your outpost shipbuilder kiosk.

Can you fly your ship in Starfield?

Yes, you can fly your ship in Starfield after acquiring Barrett’s ship and completing a short tutorial on ship flying and combat.

What is the max ship limit reached in Starfield?

The maximum ship limit in Starfield is 10, but you can acquire additional ships during the story if you haven’t reached the limit yet.

Can you have 2 ships in Starfield?

Yes, you can have more than one ship in Starfield, but you can only fly one at a time as your home ship.

Are there legendary ships in Starfield?

Yes, there are legendary ship battles in Starfield against megaships that are the hardest dogfights in the game.

Will Starfield really have 1,000 planets?

Starfield is said to have 1,000 searchable planets, with around 10 percent of them containing life, quests, and valuable resources.

What is the best free ship in Starfield?

The best free ship options in Starfield include the Starborn Guardian, Kepler R, The Datura, Star Eagle, Wanderwell, UC Prison Shuttle, The Razorleaf, and The Dagger.

What is the best reactor in Starfield?

The Pinch 8Z Reactor is considered the best C Class Reactor in Starfield, generating 40 power.

Can you divorce in Starfield?

Yes, you can get a divorce in Starfield by talking to your spouse and choosing the option to end the marriage.

Can you flirt with everyone in Starfield?

Yes, you can start flirting with multiple crewmates in Starfield without destroying relationships.

Who can you sleep with in Starfield?

In Starfield, you can develop relationships with companions such as Andreja, Barrett, Sam, and Sarah, leading to the possibility of sleeping with them.

What is the max crew duty?

The max crew duty refers to the maximum amount of time a pilot can be on duty within 24 hours, which is typically 14 hours.

How much does a crew station cost in Starfield?

A crew station in Starfield costs 2 Iron, 3 Nickel, and 5 Aluminum to craft.

How many crew does a ship need?

The number of crew members needed on a ship can vary
